Let’s help your child bounce back.

Therapy for Children, Adolescents, & Families

In Memphis and Online throughout Tennessee

The parenting blogs and books aren’t working.

You’ve tried everything… searched Google, read numerous parenting websites, and consulted pediatricians.

But your child continues to struggle with managing their emotions, and it’s beginning to impact their behaviors.

Between their tear-soaked tantrums and sullen silences, despite your best efforts, it seems like things aren’t getting any better.

“Time-outs” don’t work.

Rewards don’t work.

You want to pull your hair out sometimes!

It’s a constant battle.

You’ve tried talking to them, but they won’t tell you what they need.

They say they’re “fine,” but deep down, you know something is wrong.

There was a time when fixing their problems was so easy. Connecting with them was effortless.

You wish you could read their mind.

You desperately want to help.

But you don’t know how.

It’s difficult to know why your child is angry, sad, or worried because they don’t know the best ways to communicate.

Kids today have so many stressors. Changes at home or school can cause unease, pain, or fear.

Or maybe there’s no trigger at all. You just know something is bothering them.

The helplessness and guilt you feel to see them suffer are almost too much to bear. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for your child.

Your search ends here.

After exhausting every outlet you can think of, it’s time for something new.

Therapy provides a safe environment for your child to open up about their worries and struggles.

It also challenges and motivates them to build and work toward their
goals to be the best they can be!

And I would be honored to share this journey with you and your family.

Hi, I’m Courtney.

I’ll help your child bounce back to their smiley self again.

The “work” in sessions never feels like work, so your child will get the most out of treatment.

Your child can learn to manage and communicate their emotions healthily. During our time together, I will help your child understand the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Once they begin challenging and changing their negative thoughts, their feelings and behaviors will follow. They will also learn valuable coping skills to use when their feelings overwhelm them.

Through the power of animal connection and treatment backed by research, your child effortlessly releases their blocks while playing with a registered therapy dog throughout individual therapy sessions.

In sessions, your child will practice using healthy coping skills to combat their triggers so that when these triggers happen at school, at home, or in the community, your child will know what to do!

Your child will also learn to communicate their struggles and goals to you more effectively.

I’ll work with you to support your child’s happiness and well-being so that they maintain progress long after the therapy process has ended!

Courtney Loveless, LPC-MHSP

What I Offer

Children’s Therapy


Adolescent Therapy


Family Therapy


Animal-Assisted Therapy


Online Therapy


Let’s get your child back to doing what they do best…

Being a kid!

Don’t let them suffer another day.

Let’s discuss your child’s struggles and determine the best path for their success.

The first step is easy. Call me today for a free 15-minute consultation: